How Many Alphabets are there in Hindi Varnamala- Gnvlog

 Hindi Alphabet, 46 Letters, Hindi Alphabet Pronunciation – A Complete Information.

Alphabet, 46 Letters

Hindi is national language and mother tongue of India. While Hindi is fairly simple to master, it is extremely difficult to memorize. Compared to other languages it is relatively complex. The rang of the alphabets which are used in Hindi is known as Hindi varnamala. The sounds of the Hindi letters are produced in the same way as the names of the respective letters in English. As with any language learning it is imperative that one learns the alphabet of that particular language, today, let us learn the Hindi Alphabet.

It is also divided into consonants and vowels of which hindi is also included. The characters of the official Hindi alphabet number 46: 11 vowels and 35 consonants. The old hindi script has as many as 46 characters, out of which 13 are vowels, and 33 consonants. In Hindi script there is a horizontal line placed on top of the letters; it has significant function. This line shows that words formed by respective letters are linked.

Among the consonants, 24 of the 36 consonants have right vertical stroke. More often it is applied to signify the use of a full stop. Among the 36 consonants, 24 of them have a dot and among these the dot is placed above a vertical right stroke. It is employed to depict a full stop. Cells above letters can be used for nasal sounds, or dots placed above the letters. With regard to the Hindi letters, there are letters similar to the English letters, but the sound produced are different. concerning all Hindi letters pronunciation, some history of language information will also be provided in this article.

How Many Letters Are Included in the Hindi Alphabet?

It has pronounced 45 letters The Hindi literature is made up of eighteen Brahmi scripts. Out of the listed symbols there are 10 vowels and 35 consonants. Writing system has 52 letters. It has thirteen vowels, thirty five consonants, four combined consonants and binary two consonants.

The hindi alphabet when classified according to the pronunciation a and the hindi alphabet when considered according to the writing system differ in 7 letters. These characters’ difference is the presence of 3 extra vowels and 4 combinations of consonants. The vowels of Hindi language is called Hindi Swar (स्वर) whereas the consonants of the Hindi language is called Hindi Vyanjan (व्यंजन).

vowels are also known as Vowels (स्वर) in Hindi and pronounced as ‘SW’ as in ‘SWine’. Let’s have a look at the list of the 13 Hindi vowels and their equivalents in English:Let’s have a look at the list of the 13 Hindi vowels and their equivalents in English:


The Hindi Varnamala is called Devanagari. It contains 11 vowels and to total of 35 consonants and other marks which are diacritical used to point out certain phonetic values. Hindi is the single most used language in India and also the third most commonly used language in the entire world. It is also among the official languagues of India.

Since its impact is felt throughout the world, it is necessary for one to learn this language. In many states of India, Hindi is taught as a mandatory subject so essentials like all the vowels and consonant of Hindi is mandatory to be learnt for children for further classes. Here is a list of the Hindi Varnamala, including the vowels and consonants:Here is a list of the Hindi Varnamala, including the vowels and consonants:

Hindi Varnamala

At the time of birth the child is born as a tabula rasa, it doesn’t know how to talk. It is as difficult as nails to comprehend a newborn. However, after some time child begins to express emotions although not necessarily verbally, but in other ways. However, speaking and communication cannot be termed abnormally and abnormality is not inborn while a language is something that a human starts to learn after sometime depending on the environment he/she finds him/herself in.

While some languages can be spoken later in life, or spoken early in life there is knowledge, and even skills to write the language, or to read and comprehend them. So, with most of the Indians, Hindi is their first language, and it becomes useful for a child to learn Hindi young.

Hindi Letters -Alphabets in Hindi

Hindi Varnamala (Hindi Letters) contains some vowels and consonants. All Hindi alphabets are given below.

Hindi Varnamala Vowels (स्वर):

Hindi Varnamala Vowels

  1. अ (a)
  2. आ (ā)
  3. इ (i)
  4. ई (ī)
  5. उ (u)
  6. ऊ (ū)
  7. ऋ (ṛ)
  8. ए (e)
  9. ऐ (ai)
  10. ओ (o)
  11. औ (au)

Hindi Varnamala Consonants (व्यंजन):

  1. क (ka)
  2. ख (kha)
  3. ग (ga)
  4. घ (gha)
  5. ङ (ṅa)
  6. च (cha)
  7. छ (chha)
  8. ज (ja)
  9. झ (jha)
  10. ञ (ña)
  11. ट (ṭa)
  12. ठ (ṭha)
  13. ड (ḍa)
  14. ढ (ḍha)
  15. ण (ṇa)
  16. त (ta)
  17. थ (tha)
  18. द (da)
  19. ध (dha)
  20. न (na)
  21. प (pa)
  22. फ (pha)
  23. ब (ba)
  24. भ (bha)
  25. म (ma)
  26. य (ya)
  27. र (ra)
  28. ल (la)
  29. व (va)
  30. श (śa)
  31. ष (ṣa)
  32. स (sa)
  33. ह (ha)

Hindi Alphabet- Vowel (स्वर)

वे वर्ण ,जिनके उच्चारण के लिए किसी दूसरे वर्ण की सहायता की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है या स्वतंत्र रूप से बोले जाने वाले वर्ण ,स्वर (Hindi Swar) कहलाते है।

हिंदी वर्णमाला- स्वर

  • ई 
  •  ऐ 
  • अं
  • अः

Hindi Alphabet- Consonants (व्यंजन)

जिन वर्णो का उच्चारण स्वरों की सहायता के विना नहीं हो पाता है ,उन्हें व्यंजन वर्ण (Hindi Vyanjan) कहते है।  जैसे – क (क्+अ)

हिंदी वर्णमाला- व्यंजन

  • क्ष
  • त्र


Hindi Alphabet- Dependent Vowels (आश्रित स्वर)

मात्रा स्वर का ही एक रूप होता है। जो स्वर का ही प्रतिनिधित्व करता है मात्राओं (Dependent Vowels) की संख्या 11 होती है। लेकिन दृश्य रूप में मात्राओं की संख्या 10 होती है।

हिंदी वर्णमाला- मात्राएँ

  • ि

Hindi Alphabet in English

Sometimes pronouncing Hindi Alphabets or Hindi Varnamala is the problem, however, we have made it easy for you as the below chart displays the pronunciation of Hindi Aksharmala with the English alphabets. Make your child pronounce the Hindi Alphabet correctly. 

Hindi Varnamala in English

  • अ (a)
  • आ (aa)
  • इ (e)
  • ई (i)
  • उ (u)
  • ऊ (oo)
  • ऋ (ri)
  • ए (a)
  •  ऐ (ae)
  • ओ (o)
  • औ (ao)
  • अं (am)
  • अः (a:)
  • क (k)
  • ख (kh)
  • ग (g)
  • घ (gha)
  • ङ (nga)
  • च (ca)
  • छ (chha)
  • ज (ja)
  • झ (jha)
  • ञ (nya)
  • ट (ta)
  • ठ (thh)
  • ड (da)
  • ढ (dh)
  • ण (n)
  • त (t)
  • थ (tha)
  • द(d)
  • ध (dha)
  • न (na)
  • प (p)
  • फ (fa)
  • ब (b)
  • भ (bha)
  • म (ma)
  • य (y)
  • र (r)
  • ल (la)
  • व (v)
  • श (sha)
  • ष (shha)
  • स (sa)
  • ह (ha)
  • क्ष (ksh)
  • त्र (tra)

हिंदी वर्णमाला के 52 अक्षरों से बनी है हमारी राजभाषा

पहली बार हिंदी को चौथी शताब्दी (AD)में लिखी गई। यह देवनागरी भाषा है जो ब्राम्ही लिपि का एक प्रकार हैं। यह लिपि 700 ईसा पूर्व आई थी।
  • स्वर – अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ए ऐ ओ औ ऑ
  • अनुस्वार – अं
  • विसर्ग – अ:
  • व्यंजन – क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न प फ ब भ म य र ल व श ष स ह (क़ ख़ ग़ ज़ ड़ ढ़ फ़ श़ )
  • संयुक्त व्यंजन– क्ष त्र ज्ञ श्र

पहली किताब जो हिंदी में प्रकाशित हुई

हिंदी का आरम्भ ब्राह्मी लिपि से हुवा, परंतु थोड़ी समय के बाद से ही हमें मनकरनलेख में हिन जान गिलक्रिस्ट की पहली किताब, हमें हिंदी में पढ़ने को मिलती थी। 1796 में प्रकाशित ‘हिन्दी भाषा के व्याकरण’ के नाम से पुस्तक हुई।

इन देशों में भी हिंदीभाषी है, पर्याप्त संख्या में-

पहले, जम्मू कश्मीर, हिमाचल प्रद
भारत में हिंदी के अलावा नेपाल, पाकिस्तान, सिंगापुर और दक्षिण अफ्रीका के लोगों को मु इन देशों के पास भी हिंदी का समुदाय है। पृथ्वी पर लगभग 600 मिलियन लोग हिंदी में बात करते हैं।
जैसा कि भारत संबंधी हो, तो प्रमुखत: देश के मुक्य-राज्य – राजस्थान, दिल्ली, हरियाणा,
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