Importantcool Momfood- Meal for Kids & Healthy Family

 Importantcool Momfood

ImportantCool MomFood: Healthy, Fun Meals for Kids

This has been due to the fact that the world today is so busy that attending to many issues, including the question of how and what children are being fed can be very challenging. However, it is pertinent to note that when done rightly, maintaining and serving kids healthy meals can go along way in being entertaining and even fruitful fun. This article will discuss about why nutritionally adequate foods should be served to children, why children should be involved in the process of identifying meals and how this process can be made to be interesting. This column will introduce the principles of children’s healthy diet, suggest various meal ideas and ideas for how to cope with some of the most frequent problems that parents have to face in this area.

 Introduction The Significance of Nutrition in Child Development

Nutrition is one the easiest ways through which the wellbeing of the child can be enhanced. The food taken by children does not only nourish their body but their brain, their defense mechanism and their general health. During the early years, the body surly grows very fast, and this is the reason why proper nutrition is very important. Protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, C, D, these are important in childhood period of development. Protein is an essential nutrient that helps the body in tissue building as well as tissue repair and Calcium is another nutrient essential for the body since it aids in formation of bones and teeth. Iron enhances the formation of the proteins pointed out for the carriage of oxygen in the red blood vessels and Vitamins A, C, as well as D facilitates improved immunity and additional eye-sight.
Nutritional deficiencies are known to cause a host of aliments which could include stunted growth, low immunity levels and even dumbing effect. For instance, iron deficiency anemia is a dominant nutritional problem in kids, which can have impact on cognitive functions and development in general. However, once the wrong dietary habits are set in childhood, it becomes a usual trend to enjoy a less healthy lifestyle surrounded by significant health risks such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardio vascular diseases. Hence, their nutrition should be well taken care of well right from childhood to help them grow with healthy eating habits throughout their lifetime.

Getting the Children Involve in the Food Preparation Process

Food Preparation Process

Children love to participate and be involved in what they eat, so there is no better way of encouraging them to take healthy foods than letting them prepare it themselves. In accordance with this as children engage in the preparation of foods particularly during their meals they are most likely to have a positive attitude towards foods. Preparing meals with kids is one of the best ways to help them learn about the right foods to take, nutrition, hygiene among other crucial aspects concerning foods.
There are several ways to involve children in cooking, depending on their age and abilities:
  • Younger Children (Ages 2-5): Children of this age should be allowed to assist in some chores like washing fruits and vegetables, beating eggs or even tearing the lettuce. Not only they familiarise themselves with the environnemt of the kitchen but also such activities contribute to the development of children’s fine motor skills.
  • Older Children (Ages 6-12): The older kids can deal with more involving exercises for instance, having to help count some of the ingredients, help peel some of the vegetables or even help with some simple preparations with supervision. This age group can also be engaged in meal selection, which will enable them select the recipes and foods they fancy.
This involves making children play cooking to also make them be exposed to different foods. Children become exposed to various colors, textures and tastes which make them to be more willing to taste new foods since they have had a feel of them. Furthermore, cooking together tends to be a good and exciting pastime for families, which make some of the best memories and moments.

Fun Food Ideas for Fussy Eating Individuals

Eating Individuals

                                                              Eating Individuals

There are few issues that parents usually come across and one of them is how to manage a fussy eater. It is common to see children develop what is referred to as ‘picky eating’ whereby they avoid new foods and would rather stick to eating the same foods. But there is always a way that the parents can make the food to look more attractive to the children on a diet .

One of the ways to ensure that children are fed well is to make sure that the foods being offered are colourful and in different shapes. Youngsters are likely to go for foods that are brightly colored; this makes the use of colorful foods such as fruits and vegetables appealing. For instance, you may take a plate full of bell peppers arranged in rainbow colors, cherry tomatoes, carrots or broccoli; you get the point, the nutrition benefits of all these is comprehensive. It also fun to cut food into small shapes like stars, hearts and so on; this will make the meals exciting for the kids.
There is also an option of encouraging children to participate in the process of choosing foods, and preparing them. When children are given a chance to decide what to eat they become more interested in the food in front of them. For example, adults can allow kids to decide what is to be added on top of the pizza dough which they helped prepare or asked to prepare their own blender containing different fruits and vegetables. This feeling of being responsible of a part of the food promotes the willingness of children to taste foods they’ve never eaten before.

Exploring Snacks as Part of Children’s Food Plan

The consumption of snacks is very crucial in young ones diet since they help to supplement energy in between meals and supplement their nutrient input. But here, it is crucial to make sure that the snacks offered are healthy while at the same time children will like them. Unfortunately, the word snacks tend to bring to mind sweets or chips, however, snacks can easily be nutritious and fun.
Fruits and vegetables are important in a diet and snacks form a perfect addition to the consumption of vitamins and minerals by a child. For instance, apples dipped in peanut butter, carrots with hummus dip or a yoghurt and berries bowl are healthy foods which kids are likely to consume. Other snacks that are suggested are; whole grain crackers or whole grain oatmeal bars for your healthy snacking. Also, having a mean that is rich in protein such as cheese, yogurt or nuts will ensure the children do not get hungry in between the main meals.
There are many techniques that can be used to enhance the appeal of snack and among those is the urge to allow the kids get involve in the process of preparation of these snacks. Forcing children to prepare their snacks or decide what toppings to put on their foods will make them happy to take healthy foods. For instance organizing foods in a “snack bar’ where; the child can prepare his own snack from a variety of healthier foods is a great idea.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Busy Mornings

We know that breakfast is a crucial meal of the day as people refer to it as the ‘f.bold for the day’. Eating breakfast is important for children because it replenishes energy in the morning, enhance learning capabilities and concentration among pre-school children and school going children respectively. However, due to pressure of time in the current day and night rush-during the morning for most people, it may be hard to get time to prepare a healthy breakfast. However, it is not impossible or unfeasible for parents to ensure that their children feed on healthy meals in the morning especially in the event that they have a tight schedule.

Dealing with some of the well-known obstacles to healthy eating.

Alas, parents do face a number of obstacles when it comes to feeding their children properly even if they have the best intentions in mind. Some are limited time, little funds, and children can be very stubborn at times. Nonetheless, if certain precautions and some measures are employed, the problems will not be very acute.

Time Management:

Employed parents are usually faced with one of the hardest questions – getting time for meal planning. As a response to this, meal planning and preparation can go a long way in helping one to eat healthy. Chores should also be taken with considerations; time must be allotted to prepare meals every week so that little time would consumed during working days.

Balancing Convenience and Nutrition

In this article, I tried to show that it is possible to make a choice between convenience and nutrition and get the necessary amount of nutrients. Choose the fruits and vegetables that have not been processed much and can be prepared in quick simple ways. Cooked cereals, frozen vegetables and ready to fry foods should also do well and are very nutritional even though they do not need long cooking times as the rotisserie chicken.
Several ways on How to Integrate Superfoods in your Daily Diet Plan.
Eating vegetables and fruits, beans and legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, fatty fish and walnuts are categorized as superfoods because they have numerous nutritional values. Consumption of diets that contain superfoods such as berries, chia seeds, kale and salmon includes better consumption of nutrient. Some of these foods are very rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals that are crucial to the body’s well being.

Hydration and Its Importance

Drinking water helps us to remain energetic all the time and most importantly, keeps the brain focused. The amount of water consumed must be adequate hence busy moms should ensure that they take a lot of water in a day. Soft drinks, syrups, sodas, fruit juices, coffees and teas should be avoided, instead one can take herbal teas, infused water and coconut water. Water helps in the digestive system, in blood circulation and in regulating the body temperature.

Cravings and Its Management/ Healthy Substitutes

It is normal to get cravings once in a while but to avoid taking unhealthy foods all the time because of these cravings, is essential. Instead of taking snacks with high sugar content one should take fruits, dark chocolate or homemade energy bar. These options meet these needs in as much as they cater for hunger inasmuch as they add additional nutrients in the body.
When it comes to the truth in healthy eating, it is important to know that kids can be easily included in the process.
There should be ways of making meals more accommodative for both moms and kids in their effort to eat healthy meals. When planning and preparing food with children, make it a fun activity to incorporate in their food choices and nutrition lessons. Praising or encouraging your child to take good foods enables him or her to embrace good foods and learn the need for good nutrition.


Importantcool Momfood is all about preparing handy and healthy diets for moms to give to their families. Hectic pregnancy schedules do not mean that moms cannot have their meals and proper nutrition, by ensuring smart food choices. As this list showed, there is no excuse to eat poorly when pressed for time: a little preparation and some imagination can go a long way toward making sure that one’s diet stays healthy even in the face of a stressful week.
1. What is Importantcool Momfood
Importantcool Momfood means healthy and simple meals for busy moms that would help them to protect their health and energy.
2. What are the reasons making nutrition a vital to be observed by the busy mothers?
Good nutrition fends of lethargy, grousin, and a host of diseases, enables mother to handle her busy schedule in a better way.
3. Moms need to have fast foods in the morning; therefore, what are some of the healthy breakfast that one can prepare?
Overnight oats, smoothies and avocado toast are examples of simple meals that can be prepared in the morning for example to provide the nutrients necessary for the day.

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